Category:The Literary Examiner

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Title: The Literary Examiner

Editor: Henry Leigh Hunt

Publisher: Henry Leigh Hunt

The Literary Examiner was a weekly paper published as a Saturday supplement for The Examiner, a paper which focused upon politics and domestic economy. [1] The Literary Examiner contains book reviews, short essays, as well collections of prose and verse, most often aimed at promoting themes of “political liberty, social equality, freedom from religious superstition…freedom of the press.” [2] Ironically, it condemns tyrants and emperors, while at the same time praising Napoleon. [3] However, it is perhaps best known for the amount of attention dedicated by the editor to Byron’s ‘Don Juan.’ [4]

It had a short run in 1823, but it came to end after only 26 weekly issues. [5] Its demise was blamed on the editor, Henry Leigh Hunt, and his “inability to write more than three essays for [the] series.” [6]


  1. WD.
  2. WD.
  3. WD.
  4. WD.
  5. WD.
  6. WD.

Submitted by: Prater, Rachel: section 1,Winter 2009