Volume 6, Issue 33 (Aunt Judy's Annual Volume)

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  1. The Lost Legends of the Nursery Songs: Diddledy Diddledy Dumpty, pp. 131-138, by Mary Senior Clark
  2. Popular Tales from Andalucia: Fortune and Misfortune, pp. 138-141
  3. The Blacksmith’s Bellows, pp. 142-143, by George Manville Feen
  4. Scaramouches at School, 143-154, by R.A.E.
  5. Vesuvius and Pompeii, pp. 155-169
  6. The Twin Harlequins, pp. 170-177, by Mrs. Alfred Gatty
  7. Blanche of Castile, pp. 178-182, by the Honorable Mrs. Dundas
  8. Nursery Nonsense, pp. 183-185
  9. Talk Upon Books, pp. 185-187
  10. Aunt Judy’s Correspondence, pp. 188-193

Submitted by: Jacquier, Sarah: section 1, Winter 2009