Volume 6, Issue 34 (Aunt Judy's Annual Volume)
From vsfp
- Across the Sea, pp. 194-200, by Madame de Witt
- The Monument of the Two Sisters, pp. 200-202, by L.S.
- Vesuvius and Pompeii (cont.), pp. 203-209
- Scaramouches at School, pp. 210-214, by R.A.E.
- Blanche of Castile (cont.), pp. 215-223, by the Honorable Mrs. Dundas
- A Day in the Australian Bush, pp. 224-227, by George Carrington
- The Lost Legends of the Nursery Songs: Diddledy Diddledy Dumpty (cont.), by Mary Senior Clark
- The Dryad, pp. 237-247, by Hans Christian Andersen
- Nursery Nonsense, pp. 248-250
- Talk Upon Books, p. 251
- Aunt Judy's Correspondence, pp. 251-256
Submitted by: Jacquier, Sarah: section 1, Winter 2009