Fairy Flights

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Bowley, May. “Fairy Flights.” Father Christmas: The Children’s Annual 9 (1886): 1-30. Print.

It seems as though May Bowley was most well known for her children’s illustrations, rather than her literary efforts. Some of her illustrations are still used today for postcards and other such things. The story she writes called “Fairy Flights” is about the land of Fairies and their attempt to live like mortals. It is included in Father Christmas: the Children’s Annual, which is a journal printed for children at Christmas time. Although this journal was produced at Christmas time, the stories included in it are not about Christmas; they are simply stories that children would love and that would keep them entertained.

“Fairy Flights” is a story about fairies, which were a topic of interest for Victorians, many of whom tried to capture them on film and discover if there were any reality to the myth. Fairy stories, then, were very popular and were bound to capture children’s attention. This fairy story is particularly interesting because of the message it sends to children. The fairies in the story become fed up with fairy life and decide to live as mortals. They become interested in all the popular pass-times, including art, fashion, and socializing. Instead of making them happy, these things end up making them miserable, and they become dissatisfied with the life of mortals, thus sending a message to children that there is something lacking in their own way of life. This is very reminiscent of much of the literature of the period, in that there was much discussion over the purpose of art and the importance of experience and liberty. What seems, then, to be a perfectly innocent children’s story is actually a bold statement about the Victorian way of life.


Fairy Flights.

Fairy Flights

One night the Fairies, pining for a change, pay a visit to Earth.

Three young Fairies wandering away from the others in search of adventures, come upon a poor little Mouse caught in a trap, and they determine to do an act of mercy, and after much trouble they succeed in setting it free.

By command of the Queen the Fairies must always return to Fairyland at sunrise. Virtue is not always rewarded, for these three Fairies, who helped the Mouse while hurrying back to Fairyland, are caught in the web of the Spider King.

The Trial.-A jury of twelve Spiders is summoned to attend the trial of the three prisoners, and the King Spider at last only sentences them to supply him with food for three days till the web is mended, for the Spiders dare not harm a Fairy.

They agree to theses terms, and begin to work for the Spider.

They make arrangements for lodgings.

After some days of fly-hunting for the Spider, the Fairies begin to think Earth rather pleasant, and they decide to stay on a visit.

When they do not return to Fairyland their sorrowing Fairy Mother comes down to Earth to find them.

They enter into possession of their new home, and take their first breakfast in it.

They study the dress of the Mortals.

The Fairy Mother makes inquiries under the Sea,

And finds her children at last, three home-sick Fairies!

The three truants having returned to Fairyland and told their adventures on Earth, the other young Fairies who have never been to Earth, except an occasional visit at midnight, grow discontented with Fairy life and long to be like Mortals.

The young Fairies have decided to emigrate to another part of Fairyland, to give up Fairy life, and adopt that of the Mortals. They take leave of the Queen and their Mother.

The Fairies start their new life, and dress in the latest Earthly style.

Some of the Fairies develop a taste for art.

It is no longer fashionable to fly!

Afternoon Tea.

After awhile the Fairies begin to find the dress of the Mortals so uncomfortable that, in defiance of fashion, many of them go back to the old styles.

The Fairies’ dinner and smoking party comes to an untimely end. They are all getting so cross and ill-tempered that they quarrel and fight for the first time.

The terrible effect of the dinner party next day.

They meet in council to discuss what is to be done now. They have found the life of the Mortals not so delightful as they expected. The meeting lasts all night, and at dawn it is resolved by all the Fairies to go home and resume their old life.

They make a large bonfire, and burn up all their fashionable clothes before starting for home.

The return of the sadder yet wiser Fairies. The Frogs come out to laugh and jeer as they march past.

Edited by: Askew, Amy: section 1, Fall 2007

From: Volume 1, Issue 9 (Father Christmas: the Children’s Annual)