Volume 1, Issue 4 (The London Journal)
From vsfp
- "Letters to such of the Lovers of Knowledge as have not had a Classical Education," 25, Leigh Hunt
- "The Week—From Wednesday April 23, to Tuesday April 29," 27
- "Romances of Real Life," 27
- "Anecdote of Shenstone’s Youth," 28
- "The London Journal—April 23," 28
- "More Admirable Maxims and Suggestions from Bentham’s unpublished work," 29
- "Legends of Richard the Good, Duke of Normandy," 30
- "Fruits of Public Speaking," 30
- “Enjoyments and Obstacles," 31
- "Table Talk—Queen Elizabeth—A Pedigree of some standing—Ivy does not make houses damp—The Sugar-cane in Leicestershire—A complete yet puzzling Answer," 32
Submitted by: Morgan, Michael: section 1, Fall 2007