Volume 3, Issue 99 (The Girl’s Own Paper)

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  1. "The Summer is Over and Gone," p. 113, by M. M. Pollard
  2. Provide Things Honest, or Those Two Young Hills, Chs. 3 and 4, pp. 114-115, by Grace Stebbing
  3. "The Mind and the Health," pp. 115-116, by Medicus
  4. Decima’s Promise, Ch. 9, pp. 116-118 by Agnes Giberne
  5. "How to Prepare for and Keep Christmas," pp. 118-119, by Ruth Lamb
  6. "Margaret Trent, and How She Kept House," pp. 120-123, by Dora Hope
  7. "The Four Periods," pp. 123-124, by Alice King
  8. A Daughter Named Damaris, Chs. 8 and 9, pp. 125-127, by Maggie Symington
  9. "Answers to Correspondents," p. 127
  10. "Shipwreck," p. 128, by Alexander B. Grosart

Submitted by: Caldwell, Stacy: section 1, Winter 2011, Tsai, Tesia: section 1, Fall 2014