Volume 42, Issue 250 (The Cornhill Magazine)

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  1. Washington Square (Chapters 25-29), pp 385-403, by Henry James, Jr.
  2. Notes on Water Color Art, pp 404-414, by Harry Quilter
  3. Country Parsons, pp 415-429
  4. The Pavilion on the Links (Chapters 5-9), pp 430-451, by Robert Louis Stevenson
  5. The Homes of Town Poor, pp 452-463, by Harry Jones
  6. Foreign Orders, pp 464-470
  7. Falling in Love, pp 471-484
  8. Venetian Folk-Songs, pp 485-497
  9. To a Friend Recently Lost, pp 497, by George Meredith
  10. White Wings: A Yachting Romance (Chapters 47-49), pp 498-512, by William Black

Submitted by: West, Dennis M: ENGL 375 Section 1, Winter 2014