Volume 5, Issue 7 (The Savoy)
From vsfp
- “Morag of the Glen,” p 13-36, Fiona Macleod
- “The Unloved,” p 37-40, Arthur Symons
- “Casanova,” p 41-51, Havelock Ellis
- “Catullus: Carmen CI.,” p 52-54, A verse of translation from Latin by Aubrey Beardsley
- “In Sligo: Rosses Point and Glencar,” p 55-61, Arthur Symons
- “Windle-Straws,” p 61-64, W.B. Yeats
- “Emile Verhaeren,” p 65-78, Osman Edwards
- “The Tables of the Law,” p 79-86, W.B. Yeats
- “Epilogue,” p 87, Ernest Dowson
- “A Literary Causerie:—On the ‘Invectives’ of Verlaine,” p 88-90, Arthur Symons
Submitted by: McClellan, Brian: section 1, Fall 2007